Bayesian estimator of the minimum stimulus strength to induce ventricular fibrillation

TitleBayesian estimator of the minimum stimulus strength to induce ventricular fibrillation
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1997
AuthorsMalkin RA, Li H
JournalComputers in Cardiology
Start Page81
Pagination81 - 83
Date Published12/1997

The American standard for AC current leakage in the myocardium was recently raised from 10 microamps to 50 microamps to match European standards. A lack of fibrillation (VF) induction data from humans has made it difficult to support or reject the increase. This paper quantifies the amount of information which could be gained from humans during the course of a defibrillator implant by carefully controlling and analyzing the stimulus strengths used to induce VF. We propose a new, Bayesian up-down stimulation protocol to accurately estimate an AC stimulus strength with a low probability of inducing VF. This Bayesian protocol balances the conflicting goals of reducing testing and accurate estimation. We show that it is possible to estimate the stimulus strength that will induce VF 5% of the time with 3.9 μA rms error using 10 VF induction attempts averaging 4.8 VF episodes.

Short TitleComputers in Cardiology