Generalized electrocardiographic spherical shells model with emphasis on the paced infarcted heart

TitleGeneralized electrocardiographic spherical shells model with emphasis on the paced infarcted heart
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1993
AuthorsJuhlin SP, Malkin RA, Penzotti JE, Pilkington TC, Plonsey R
JournalComputers in Cardiology
Start Page659
Pagination659 - 662
Date Published12/1993

The spherical shells model (SSM) is a useful tool for qualitative investigations of the electrical events in the thorax during a heart beat. This paper presents a scheme to extend the SSM to allow for general dipolar source configurations. A model is suggested to simulate the depolarization phase of a paced ventricular beat, the source being a propagating dipole layer. The computer simulations from the SSM are compared to measured intracavitary potentials from a paced dog heart, and the SSM is shown to reproduce the main features of the experimental data. It is also illustrated how infarctions might affect the signal.

Short TitleComputers in Cardiology